A wide scale of custom-made outdoor and indoor locksmith products. Fabrication of custom-made steel pallets in the field of automotive or electrotechnical industry.

Industrial custom metal fabrication for companies and sole proprietors. We will be happy to help you with the development of new custom-made pallets, racks, pallet jacks or other industrial parts since we have a long experience and excellent staff.
To improve our customer services, we have built our own powder coating plant that will contribute to better quality and lower price of our products.
Design quality.
Prompt delivery.
Possibility of installation.
Best ratio of quality and price.
Excellent service and other attributes of a good company.
Production based on your documentation.
Possibility of sample production.
High production capacity.
Possibility of sample development.
Long experience and satisfied supranational companies.
Possibility of installation at the customer's site.
Complex approach to your requirements.
Installation of electromechanical systems.
Consultancy and measurements.
Design development.
Warranty and post warranty service.
A wide scale of custom-made outdoor and indoor locksmith products. Fabrication of custom-made steel pallets in the field of automotive or electrotechnical industry.
KOVENA Slovakia, s.r.o. / All rights reserved / web: fg Ateliér